Marketplace at 2500 in Moline becomes the latest location for food trucks

Jasmine Lee addressed the challenge of deciding where to eat each night by creating a unique solution – Marketplace at 2500 in Moline. Purchasing a plot of land on 53rd Street last December, Lee transformed the space into a haven for food trucks and vendors. After six months of zoning and enhancements like lights, electricity, and a parking lot, the Marketplace at 2500 emerged, offering a peaceful gathering spot. Lee's goal is to create a space where everyone can thrive. Despite obstacles in acquiring the land owned by the township, Lee successfully negotiated its purchase. The lot, officially open since June, hosts food trucks for lunch and dinner nearly every day. The schedule is posted weekly on the Marketplace at 2500 Facebook page. Lee aspires to expand the venue in the future, potentially incorporating fresh produce stands and a farmer's market. Despite the approaching cold weather, food truck owner Beau Eastin of Q.C. Fork in the Road plans to stay open as long as possible, mirroring the community's enthusiasm for this unique dining experience.

Marketplace at 2500 in Moline becomes the latest location for food trucks

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